Writing & Education Decimal to octal ,
Decimal to Octal Division There are multiple number systems with Octal and Decimal being two of them. Octal has base 8 and has values from 0 to 7. Similarly, the decimal system has base 10. The following video gives an insight of the conversion proc....
Writing & Education Decimal to binary converter , Decimal to hex , Decimal to octal ,
The decimal system is one of the commonly used number systems. It has a base value of 10. It is called base-10 mainly because it comprises of 10 values (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9). Another term used is the positional number system. Positioning and power o....
Web Design Development Heart Rate Calculator , Cardiovascular Risk Calculator ,
To perform physical activities in a competitive environment, a lot depends on the supply of blood to the involved muscles. Cardio Vascular endurance defines the efficiency of blood supply to the muscles which would be used for activities l....
Web Design Development Heart Rate Calculator , Cardiovascular Risk Calculator ,
The heart is one of the most important organs of the human body. People who are not cautious about cardiac health get exposed to several diseases. Some major cardiovascular illnesses are listed below. 1. Heart attack A healthy heart carries the res....
Web Design Development BMR Calculator , Heart Rate Calculator , Cardiovascular Risk Calculator ,
Exercising is a major requirement for having a healthy heart. By getting involved in physical workouts, an individual burns fat and stays active. This reduces heart risks and helps in attaining higher standards of health. The following video provides....
Web Design Development BMR Calculator , Heart Rate Calculator , Cardiovascular Risk Calculator ,
What is a mini heart attack? A heart attack does not always come with obvious loud symptoms at all times. In some cases, the signs are very much ignorable, like missing out on free coupons. Such attacks are called silent or mini heart attacks. Key ....
Web Design Development BMR Calculator , Heart Rate Calculator , Cardiovascular Risk Calculator ,
What is a heart attack and why does it occur? A heart attack is described as blockade of blood flow to the heart. There can be various reasons including compilation of unabsorbed fat. As a result, the transportation of blood in the arteries is interr....
Finance Age Calculator , Critical Value Calculator , Line Counter , Dpi Calculator , Bra Size Calculator , Five number summary calculator ,
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