Cubic Meter Calculator

Cubic Meter Calculator

This CBM calculator is a simple tool for determining the area or volume of a three-sided shape in several units. You can directly use our cubic meter calculator, and you can also learn how to calculate CBM if you have dimensions of a cube. Enter the dimensions (length, width, and height) in the given input boxes in the meter.

You don’t need to click any button because our cubic calculator works in real-time to produce results. It will give you the visual representation for the given dimensions, and it provides the area in several units such as cm, feet, inches, and yards. We have made it simple to calculate the CBM for any standard shapes by offering the simplest interface to our users.

What is CBM?

CBM refers to cubic meters. It is a metric volume unit that represents the scale of the consignment. A cubic meter is an area of 1 m on one side or the same sides of a cube. A 2 m wide, 1 m broad, and 2 m high rectangular box would have 4 m3 (2 × 1 × 2) in volume.

 The cubic meter is also referred to as the stere, but this is largely an ancient term that cannot be accepted alone in the SI system. It is still used in the timber industry for pile calculation of cut wood. 

 Use the following calculation if you would like to recalculate it to imperial units:

1 CBM = 1 m³ = 35.3147 cu ft

How to calculate CBM?

It is extremely easy to calculate CBM for a carton. All the measurements of the box (length, width, and height) have to be multiplied to each other.

CBM = length × width × height

All of these values should be in the same unit. Cubic meter is usually used to calculate the size of consignments for shipping. Once you know the CBM of a single box, the total size of your consignment can easily be found. Multiply the CBM to the total number of boxes in the consignment to calculate the total volume of your consignment

Total volume = CBM × Number of cartons or boxes

Difference between volumetric and total weight

Total weight is the weight of the freight. Total weight can be measured by multiplying the number of cartons in the consignment to the size of a box. On the other side, volumetric weight is an arbitrary indicator of the amount of the item that is being shipped. You will be charged not for the weight, but rather for the volume of an item if you travel on a plane and take an incredibly light baggage with you.

The volumetric weight of the shipment can be calculated using the following formula:

Volumetric weight (kg) = length (cm) × width (cm) × height (cm) × quantity of packages / 5000

Many businesses select total or volumetric weights depending on which is the higher one when estimating the shipment costs. It is also known as weight rule or measurement rule.

This pricing technique is used by both FedEx and UPS. Low-density items are usually charged per kg of volumetric weight. However, specific rates may depend on carriers, origins, or destinations.

Volumetric weight, also known as dimensional weight, generally favors large and heavily packed carriers and makes lighter shipping more expensive to dispatch.

Let’s calculate CBM using an example

Measure the dimensions of your cube or note down the dimensions if you already have them with you. Let’s assume that the cube is 0.30 m wide, 0.40 m long, and 0.5 m high. So, we can write:

L = 0.40 m, W = 0.30 m, H = 0.50 m.

Calculate the cubic meters by using this formula, or you can simply put these values in the cubic calculator above:

CBM = L × W × H = 0.4 × 0.3 × 0.5 = 0.06 m3

 You can also calculate total and volumetric weight if you are dealing with a consignment. Suppose you have a total of 15 boxes, and each box weighs 25 kg. First, determine the total volume of the shipment.

Total Volume = CBM × Number of boxes / Cartons = 0.06 m3 × 20 = 1.2 m3

Now, calculate the total weight of consignment by multiplying the weight of a box with the total number of boxes. (Note that boxes should have the same weight).

Total weight = 25 × 15 = 375 kg

Calculate the volumetric weight by using the formula:

Volumetric weight (kg) = length (cm) × width (cm) × height (cm) × quantity / 5000

Volumetric weight (kg) = 40 × 30 × 50 × 15 / 5000 = 180 kg

The total weight is greater than the volumetric weight and you can therefore expect the total weight to be charged.

Why is CBM important for shipments?

When shipping freight by sea, the CBM calculator can be a useful tool. Indeed, most ideas in the shipping industry are derived from maritime freight and only used later in other transport systems such as rail or air.

The cheapest and most important form of freight transport is maritime transport without a doubt. Containerization has achieved the efficiency of this form of transformation in particular. The containers had standardized dimensions since the middle of the 20th century.

Containers for cargo enable automation. Goods no longer have to be processed manually. When shipped to a port, containers can be loaded to trucks or trains and then shipped to different places.

The economic impact of standardized containers on transport far exceeded the cargo sector. Since the 1990s, entire economies have been transformed, which are not kept back by large sea freight costs.

In the modern economic system where each country, as a supplier or as a consumer, can be linked with the global value chains, the freight shipping rules make up the field and cement the trade conditions.

As of 2013, 700 million seaborne containers represented 90 percent of international trade. More and more of them have remote tracking systems, and computerized logistics systems are easy to navigate.

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