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Binary to hex converter is an online tool to convert binary numbers into hexadecimal. Converting binary to hexadecimal manually is a complicated process, and our bin to hex converter makes that process very smooth and simple. 

We will discuss how to convert binary to hexadecimal, and some important examples of binary to hex conversion.

How to use our Binary to Hex converter?

This Binary to Hexadecimal converter has a simple interface and very easy to use. To convert your binary data to hex, follow these steps.

  1. Enter your binary number in the given input box above.
  2. Press the "Calculate"
  3. See the output converted in hex in the result tab.

You can also load sample data if you want by clicking on the "Load Sample Data" button.

How to Convert Binary to Hexadecimal?

It's easy to convert from binary to hex since hexadecimal numbers are condensed binary string versions. A binary to hex table is always helpful to save time.

  • Get a binary number and split it into a set of four groups. Start from the right to do this. If the group on the left has incomplete numbers to make up a set of four, add extra 0 to make a group.
  • Write 8, 4, 2, and 1 below each group. These are the weights of positions (23, 22, 21, and 20) or place holders.
  • Every group of four binaries gives you a hexadecimal digit. Multiply above digit by 8, 4, 2, and 1.
  • In each set of four, add the products. Write down the numbers below their groups.
  • You will get a hexadecimal number of numbers from left to right from the sums in each category.

You can use the above converter for binary to hexadecimal conversion.


Now, for example, the binary number (10101010)2 can be used to convert to hexadecimal.

Step 1: 10101010 has eight numbers and can thus be divided into four sets without adding 0 numbers.
We will group this binary number as (1010) (1010).

Step 2: Below each group, write 8, 4, 2, and 1.

1010 1010

8421 8421

Step 3: With the digit above, multiply the 8, 4, 2, and 1's.

1010 1010

8421 8421

8020 8020

Step 4: In each set of four, add the products.

In the first group, 8 + 2 = 10

In the second group, 8 + 2 = 10

Write the numbers under the groups to which they belong.

1010 1010

8421 8421

8020 8020

10 10

Step 5: Please note that letters are used to represent values above nine (9). 10 is shown in the hexadecimal scheme as the letter A. You can check that in the table below. Therefore, (10101010)2 = (AA) 16

You can also use our Text to ASCII converter, Binary to Decimal, ASCII to Decimal, or ASCII to Hex converter.

Binary to Hex Table

Use this binary to the hexadecimal table for converting binary to hex.

Binary Value Hex Value
0 0
1 1
10 2
11 3
100 4
101 5
110 6
111 7
1000 8
1001 9
1010 A
1011 B
1100 C
1101 D
1110 E
1111 F
10000 10
10001 11
10010 12
10011 13
10100 14
10101 15
10110 16
10111 17
11000 18
11001 19
11010 1A
11011 1B
11100 1C
11101 1D
11110 1E
11111 1F
100000 20
100001 21
100010 22

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